Friday, May 29, 2015

Photo Weebly Sites Review

First Period: Vina Kong
This Picture is best, because she took a photo of her dog leaning on her couch with good lighting and great edits, we can see the fur of dog very clear. Also, she caught a perfect moment to show her dog was alone at home. The couch's color - red and black was emphasize  the dog's mood, which he want to go out or play with Vina.
Weebly Link:

Second Period: Priyanka Chary
This picture is best, because it made by different color, same size of the Crayolas and it separated them into 2 parts, which are cool-tone and warm-tone to form a beautiful heart. This picture gave people desire to buy them.
Weebly Link:

Third Period: Jason Stiltz
This picture is best, because he took a picture of a fish swim across some yellow aquatic weeds. It focus on the fish, we can even see the details of the fish, such as scale, stripes,fins. There are some yellow part  of top of fish, it formed contrast for the background(aquatic weeds.)
Weebly Link:

Fourth Period: Francis Tanjuatco
This photo is best, because it focus one the plane, which made of Legos. And it very colorful and interesting.
Weebly Link:

Friday, May 8, 2015

First Commercial Shoot

PC: Jason Wu

Pc: Gary Zeng

Pc: Hongsheng Wu

Pc: Henry Yu

Pc: Jason Wu